24 September 2007

Just too dense...

That's the way I feel this morning. Socked in...the nose and sinuses clogged with a nasty cold. It's hard to breathe...to get enough oxygen to keep the system running. The result is a tired, cranky, thick-headed, slow-brained guy staring at a computer screen. Not a pretty sight!

But it did make me wonder if there's an analogy here. My head is so full of guck that I can't get the oxygen I need to keep my body running right. Sometimes, we get so distracted by all the temptations of the world...so full of the guck around us...that it's hard for us to get the Good News we need to keep our souls running right.

Thanks be to God: there is a fix for this...something (or rather someone) who can make us whole and give us our breath back. That one is Jesus, whose love for us couldn't be stopped even by a cross, and whose resurrection points the way towards our own life with God. And the best part is that you don't have to go to Rite-Aid to pick him up. He's already present with you...ready to hear your prayers and guide your heart back towards wholeness and real health.

Why stay dense when you don't need to?

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