19 November 2007

Jesus the Turkey?

I'm scheduled to be the preacher at this week's Community Thanksgiving service (Wednesday at 7:00pm at St. John's United Church of Christ, Elmore). Stands to reason, then, that it's about time to think about the sermon.

So here's a first thought...a question, actually? That turkey which you will enjoy on Thursday at Grandma's house...what did he ever do to you? And yet we will jump in, carve him up and eat him until we are somewhere well past full.

The turkey...an innocent victim of our hungers. The turkey...a Christ figure? Maybe. Guess it all depends on what we do afterwards. Fall asleep in the Lazy-Boy with our pants undone...or discover that we've been fed so that we can feed...so that we can witness to the providence of God.

We'll see where this analogy goes by Wednesday evening.

1 comment:

Matt said...

I guess where the analogy breaks down for me is as Christ as passive victim of our desires. Certainly there is biblical warrant for the Lamb who was silent... but it misses the Johannine emphasis on the willingness and intention of Christ going to the cross.