Just about the crude-est thing I've seen in a long time: Madonna and her husband (ol' what's his name) went to a Purim celebration earlier this year. She was dressed as a nun (in full habit) and he as the Pope (complete with red cap and matching cope). Apparently, they thought it would be a great thing to poke fun at her former religion...especially on one of the holy days of her belief-system du jour.
If it were Halloween, I suppose I could understand. But really...what planet do these people live on? How is it that mocking faithful folks (of any persuasion) is funny? My guess is that Madonna and her consort wouldn't think of bringing a hamburger to a Hindu celebration. Nor would they offer a beer and some pulled pork to a Muslim. So why would you insult nuns and priests?
I suppose we can be glad that at least she had the decency not to wear a leather bustier over the outside of her habit.
So then, how do we show love to those who choose to not only shame those people of faith around them, but to do it in a way that is nothing more than hurtful? We are called to love. How do we love? Sure, this is Madonna--we've come to expect less and less from her and people like her. But God expects us to love everyone. This even includes those who choose offer beer to the Muslim or wear a habit with whips and chains.
But HOW DO WE LOVE THESE PEOPLE? I don't feel as though I have the capability needed to be a Christian.
No one has the innate capacity to be Christian and to love as we have been first loved by God in Jesus Christ. But that doesn't mean we're left with nothing.
If you're not sure how to love those who persecute or make fun of Christians, try starting with prayer. Turn them over to God's care; commend them into the life- and heart-changing arms of the Holy Spirit. That's probably the most loving thing most of us can ever do in such a situation.
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