So, fine. It's a bit odd that I'm excited about a bunch of blue plastic, 16 oz. stadium cups. But they're here...and they look good (resplendent with their Grace 100th Anniversary logos)...and we can hand them out on Sunday at the big Centennial Picnic.
I think this is going to be great fun. Worship outside under the can listen to the birds singing and quite often spot an eagle overhead. We'll sing and pray. We'll speak and hear the Word. We'll share memories of ministry past and hopes for mission yet to come. And then all that good potluck food afterwards, along with plenty of time to continue visiting, telling stories, etc. And we'll be drinking our lemonade in blue plastic cups that are marked for the day.
100 years is a long least it seems so when you're only 50. What a great blessing for this place to have been around that long. Apparently, God really is gracious. This Sunday, we'll celebrate that as we raise our blue plastic cups in thanksgiving for all that has been and for all that will be. Sounds like a good time.
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