14 February 2007

An unexpected gift...

There's enough snow on the ground to blow into the top of your jeans. The roads are a mess (though getting better); schools are cancelled; businesses are closed; and the manufactured anxiety flowing out of the TV reporters would have you believe that we're all going to be consumed by the raging winter beasty at any moment.

Granted, there are some legitimate problems. If your car's in a ditch or your furnace has gone out, you've got issues. But is it just possible that we might be missing something here? Could it be that winter storms are a gift...an opportunity to take a little break and to simply watch the snowfall?

Last night, the Mrs. and I didn't have to...couldn't actually...go anywhere. Her office closed early. Meetings at the church were cancelled. So we did something daring. We had dinner together...a nice, quiet, conversation-filled dinner. We shared a bottle of wine. We watched Law & Order re-runs until the cable gave out and we got tired. What a lovely evening. What an unexpected gift in the midst of what is usually a very busy time of year.

Excuse me while I go pray for more snow.


Anonymous said...

That would have been nice. I spent the day working from home. that is of course after I shoveled my driveway, sidewalks, and neighbor's driveway.

The Parson said...

Aren't you a good boy for taking care of your neighbor's driveway! As far as the working from home thing goes...ah, well. That's the disadvantage of being so digitally articulate, I suppose. Wherever there's internet access, you can be at work. And this is better how?