02 October 2007

Missing body parts...

Sounds like something out of a scary movie, doesn't it? But in fact, it happens in churches all around the country every Sunday morning. Some of the body shows up...most of the body doesn't.

Confused? Check out 1 Corinthians 12. Paul writes rather convincingly to the rascals in Corinth about the Church as the body of Christ. Christ is the head; we are the members; together in the Spirit, we carry out the Father's mission of reconciliation and love for the world. (That's the Reader's Digest Condensed version. I'll trust you to read the whole thing on your own.)

Here at Grace, about 44% of our members are in weekly worship. More than half of the body is missing. And we're actually in much better shape than most places. I read somewhere recently that the average for congregations around the country is between 25-30% of the membership in weekly worship. Yikes! Can you imagine what it must be like to run without a leg or eat without a mouth or see without eyes or keep your innards from spilling out without enough skin? You might be able to do it...but not without some major reconstructive surgery or a lot of artificial help.

"But, pastor" you protest. "I'm just a little toe. How can it matter if I'm not around?"

Make no mistake. When the body is incomplete, it limps. Of course, God can still use limping bodies. Indeed, God's been doing just that since Eve invited Adam to try a bite of apple. But imagine how much more effectively God would be able to use the body that's whole and healthy...

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