Sorry for missing you last week. I was ambushed by strep throat, and spent most of Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday laying in bed, taking medicine, and cursing the micro-biological invaders who had made my body their humble abode. Back to work this week with few side effects. I'm down to coughing up just half a lung in occasional spasms. And the doctor says that as long as I cover my mouth and wash my hands, I am no longer a walking plague dispensary.
A word of thanks to all those around Grace who simply stepped up and got things done. God has indeed blessed this place with talented and willing lay leadership.
By way of reflection on the experience, I'm reminded how thin is the ice on which we build our projects and lay out our calendars. Was it Keats or Browning? "The best laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglee..." This is most certainly true. (Yes, Luther. That one I'm sure of.)
So all the good stuff I was to accomplish last week got lost in the fog and the fever. And guess what? The world continued to revolve. Sun up and sun down on schedule just as though I wasn't really in charge.
It's a tough lesson to learn, but one which in our wiser moments we might be privileged to grasp: a greater mind than ours holds the spinning worlds and blinking stars. Larger arms than ours cradle both a surging universe and the single body of a broken human being. Here the foolishness of the cross begins to make sense. It is in sickness and need when we most clearly see the power and grace of God...and can be thankful that we are its beneficiaries. This, too, is most certainly true.
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