05 May 2008

Help wanted...

This is a two-part posting.

Part One...a big thank you. Jen Pollard (along with husband Josh) has been our youth ministry coordinator for the past two-plus years. They have done wonderful work here...earning the love and trust of our young people, opening up some important conversations about faith and life, and energizing our ministry with and for the youth of this congregation as well as their friends. Thank you...no matter how big...doesn't cut it. "Thanks be to God" gets closer, but even that feels inadequate.

Jen and Josh, however, have new responsibilities. As they welcome Eden Suzanne into the world as their first child, the demands of parenthood must take precedence. We pray God's blessings upon all three of them as newly formed family, and are confident that they will continue to grow in love for God and each other.

Part Two...help wanted. Grace is now in need of a youth ministry coordinator. We've put out some feelers to folks in the community and via some neighboring universities who might have qualified folks heading towards our neck of the woods. But so far, no one has surfaced as a candidate. So, loyal readers, we turn to you for input and assistance. If you or someone you know might be right for this calling, give PD a call or email. And it is, by the way, a calling...not just a part-time job. Loving these young people means first being in loving relationship with God. Guiding and encouraging them requires someone who is likewise being guided and encouraged by God's own Spirit.

In the meantime, we're praying...confidently...that God will send us the person right for this place and our young people. We ask you to join in that prayer with us. Thanks!

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