24 December 2008

Breaking in...

That's what God is doing here...breaking in to a world which he created, but which hastens to deny his existence (let alone his power and sovereignty). So like a thief in the night, God comes among us as one of us...poor, humble, and yet so replete with the dignity intended for humankind that even death cannot overpower him.

More: we who are formed in his image are enabled to share his redeeming purpose because of this incarnation. Like Mary, we get to smuggle God into the world in our bodies...enfleshing the Creator's vision for the cosmos by our mortal words and deeds.

What greater gift could there be? An ancient collect puts it this way: "Almighty God, you wonderfully created the dignity of human nature, and yet more wonderfully restored it. In your mercy, let us share the divine life of the One who came to share our humanity..."

How strange! This thief comes not to take, but to give...not to destroy but to redeem...not to vandalize, but to scandalize the world with the great good news that life has been made whole and fresh again.

May our Christmas celebrations greet this thief with joy. And may our joy overflow into the world in purpose and hope. Blessed Christmas, indeed!

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