23 January 2007


At long last, we have snow on the ground. And it's cold...supposed to get down into the teens tonight.

I know it's not a popular idea, but I love this time of year and this kind of weather. I'm not sure why. Maybe I didn't get my share of snow angels and snowball fights as a kid, although I seem to remember enjoying plenty of those. Maybe it's because I've been blessed to have always had enough food and a warm place to live so that I haven't had to face the cold like some folks do. Or maybe my medication just needs adjusted again. Who knows?

For those of you living in (or fleeing to) warmer climates: you're missing out on a beautiful thing. I just wish my knees still worked so we could go skiing.

1 comment:

John D. Nevergall said...

I am totally with you in the "loving winter" department. And who knows? Maybe they can adjust you medication such that your knees can return to skiing condition. Just something to ponder...