14 November 2005

Just an Old Tool...

I have my grandfather's hammer. It's one of my prized possessions...a connection to this man who was so important in my growing-up years. But it's not the kind of treasure that sits on a shelf. It is the hammer that I use whenever I need one. The head is dark with age, but still strong. The ash handle likewise has taken on a different color over the years and is almost too smooth from wear. But it feels great in the hand and does not fail to do the job when called upon.

I want to be a hammer in the hand of God. And indeed, is that not our calling as Christians? We are those who are to be ready to go to work at the master's bidding...letting his hand guide us and his will use us for the work and witness of Christ. I want to be comfortable in his grip, knowing already that I am a prized posession...not a treasure on a shelf, but an old reliable tool in the hand of the Master Builder.

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